Communications Geek

Saturday, June 03, 2006

What Are You Saying?

If your colleagues tend to sniff at what you say before you even get to the heart of your argument, you could be in need a speech fix.

PROBLEM #1 SPEAKING TOO SOFTLY: Gives the impression you've got no good input
Fix it!
Try humming before an important phone call or presentation to improve your resonance. Blend numbers into your hum ("hmmm ... one ... hmmm ... two ...) till you reach five. If it's a confidence problem, give yourself time to hit an assertive volume level, say, within three weeks. Up your volume at every meeting until you reach your goal.

PROBLEM #2 MISPRONOUNCING WORDS: Lowers credibility and makes you look sloppy
Fix it!
Go through your speech before the meeting. Check for proper pronunciation with the audio feature of an online dictionary like Merriam-Webster Online at And remember, simple language is always the most effective.

PROBLEM #3 USING A QUESTION TONE: Shows insecurity and sabotages your authority
Fix it!
If your colleagues go to you for a solution, you should provide the answer and not turn it into a question that needs validating, for instance, "The solution would be XYZ?" If you want to be treated like an expert, start acting like one.

PROBLEM #4 USING VERBAL VIRUSES: Makes you sound like a bumbling teenager
Fix it!
Pause every time you feel an "um" or "you know" coming. Ask friends to give you a gentle tap each time you let one slip into your speech. Aware of your habit now? Good, now squash it.

Extracted from Cleo May 2006 (Deborah Tan)


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